Camp Desert Rock
Las Vegas, Nevada

5 November 1951


TO: Commanding Officer
354th Engineer Combat Group
Ft Lewis, Washington

Tents had been erected in the visitor's area, the air strip was completed and equipment was moving toward the railhead at Las Vegas for shipment to our Home Station. All miscellaneous equipment which was not needed immediately for the conduct of operations was packed and crated and assembled at a central supply point for shipment for Ft. Lewis, Wash. Many small orders continued to pour in, most of which required very little in the way of manpower and equipment, etc.

As a general rule, during this week, the Battalion was restricted to Camp Desert Rock with only water and ration trucks being allowed free movement. Restrictions were lifted during the day to enable supplies and equipment to move between the Forward Area and Camp Desert Rock.

Arrangements were being made to have every man in the Battalion witness a nuclear detonation. To accomplish this, personnel were to proceed by truck to a point seven (7) miles from the scene of the explosion. There they were to be given an orientation lecture and the trip would be climaxed by witnessing the explosion of an atom bomb.

On 29 October 51, final preparations were made for personnel to witness the explosion which was to take place the next day. The convoy was formed in the Battalion area and all troops except those who were participating in D-Day operations were alerted for an early morning departure. Final arrangements were also being made for the construction of necessary signs and equipment which would be needed on D-Day.

[Week 8 at Camp Desert Rock ]