231ST ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION Camp Desert Rock Las Vegas, Nevada
5 November 1951 SUBJECT: Operational Report of OPERATION DESERT ROCK TO: Commanding Officer By Sunday 7 Oct 51 much of the permanent construction work had been completed. Monday, being a payday, was declared a holiday by Major General W.B. Kean; however, because of the great amount of work to be done, this battalion carried on normal operations. More work orders came in, among which were orders concerning layout of the VIP area, many additional signs, additional carpenter work, additional carpenter work, additional electrical work, and orders to construct fire break dikes in the quartermaster area. During this period there was a tremendous backlog of sign painting jobs and construction work. From the start of this operation it was felt that two ten hour shifts must be maintained on construction equipment until we were able to get the situation under control. It is interesting to note that at this time when everyone was busily engaged in normal construction operations, orders were received to put all available personnel to work on the beautification of the Engineer Area. The personnel from all staff sections and line companies were ordered to plant Spanish bayonets and Yucca bordering the main road into Camp Desert Rock. All personnal were engaged in this operation until 2100 hours on 4 Oct 51.