5 November 7:30 a.m. Easy Shot - We found out at morning formation. We wouldn't be going back to Ft. Lewis right away. The 231st would remain at Desert Rock, Co. "A" would stay at the Forward Area for Operation Jangle - that is, Shots Sugar and Uncle which were to take place the latter part of November. In the meantime, we prepared the test site for Shot Easy - at 31 kilotons.

Once again we marched around to our grandstand viewing area to watch Shot Easy which would turn out to be the largest of all the shots yet. It was at Shot Easy, I believe, that one of our squad tents (16-man tent) was blown down in our bivouc area, about 6 miles away, which was an indication of the power of this device. The brilliant flash and thunderous noise that accompanied the explosion struck me with awe and fear. The heat from Easy warmed our backsides on a cold, winter morning in the desert. When I came away from the test site this time, I came away with the realization that we could destroy ourselves. These people weren't stopping. The explosions kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Easy was more than twice the size of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. The mushroom cloud that accompanied this was just awesome in relationship to the expanse of Yucca Flat. The ever changing colors boiling up in this ever changing cloud - purples and reds and oranges and reds and blues and yellows - just the turbulence that you could see - this boiling cloud gave one a sense of the power unleased by the Atom Bomb.

[Return to Week 9 at Camp Desert Rock]

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